Presenting the Leipzig branch

University city, music city, trade fair city, freedom city: Leipzig looks back at a moving, sometimes extremely lively history.


Our employees look out at a not insignificant architectural section of this very history – including the City-Hochhaus – which due to its shape and initial use by the university is also called the “Wisdom Tooth”; the roof of the tropical hall of the new “Gondwanaland” at Leipzig Zoo; and also the “Alte Rathaus” as a cultural history attraction for tourists. “Our actions here and in the surrounding area are intended to ensure the past and present are guided into a well assured future,” explains branch manager Axel Schulze.




adresse Landsberger Straße 4, 04157 Leipzig
contact telephone bl +49 341 98274-0
fax +49 341 56470-60
contact mail bl Send email